Tribute Wall

Forever in our hearts.

On World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept 10), we're walking together as a community to remember those lives we've lost to suicide and to help Australians in crisis.

Philip Oldfield

"You are thought of and missed daily by myself and the kids. I’m sorry I didn’t hear your cry for help. We love you Flip "

- Jennifer Zoet

Harry Lindsay’

"You were a friend like no other and you made such a big impact on the people who’s lives you touched. I miss you so much mate. I love you "

- Josh Fontana


"Never be afraid to reach out for help. Never be afraid to offer help."

- Angela

Henrita Frank

"Being kind is an everyday thing that we can do to help."

- Henrita Frank

Ashlee Pietsch-Stevens

"You have seen me through my best and worst days Bubba. I’m so grateful that I could hold onto life for the privilege of watching you grow into the beautiful woman that you are today. I’m so sorry for all the pain and fear I have caused you as a result of my attempts at ending my life. "

- Sian Lambas


"Nothing has been the same since you left us. I hope you’re at peace wherever you are, forever 37"

- Michael Booth


"My dad, who was the bravest, most annoying, most selfless man i ever knew took his life in august of 2023. I can say with absolute certainty that this has been the hardest year of my life. I had to go to my formal without my dad driving me like id always imagined. I have to graduate without him, turn 18 without him, get married without him. With every passing day i miss him so much and i regret not telling him how much i love him. Please if you are thinking about taking your life, reach out. Even if its just to a random stranger. If you cant find a reason to live for yourself, live for someone else. Even if its your future children/family, or furbabies. You are not alone. "

Cloe, Emlyn, Lachlan, Brandon, Aleera

"I wish all of you were still here, though I hope you’re resting peacefully. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell whether time goes slowly or quickly, it simply passes by. I will be thinking of you all, as well as the many people around Australia that have lost their lives 🤍 "

- R.E

Stephen Key

"You are so very missed 🤍"

- Bianca Cluning

Stephen Key

"I miss you terribly, but it’s impossible not to smile when I think of how much of a beautiful soul you were Steve. You were a true friend. Walking in your honour is the least I could do x 🤍"

- Bianca Cluning

Desmond Amofah

"In memory of Desmond Amofah, American YouTuber and streamer. You are missed "

- Keira Jones

Chris Ball

"Love you chris this is for you bubs"

- Dannielle Stanley

Anna Bowen

"You tried to end the pain and hurt however you time was not up. You have overcome those obstacles and are working hard to heal, you should be incredibly proud of what you have and are achieving. Life can be beautiful and you are proof. To whoever has struggled or is struggling don’t give up you are not alone. Love and light. ♥️"

- Anna Bowen

Shane Webb

"You were my best friend the life of the party and just an awesome guy I miss your laugh and crazy wild adventures can’t believe your gone this is for you mate you will always be in my heart I had so much fun and adventures "

- Amanda Stewart

anyone who needs this

"you aren't alone ❤️ I promise it gets better 🫂 don't be afraid to reach out 🤝🏻"

- Hannah

Stephen Partridge

"My Uncle had to face his last moments alone. Please reach out and help your loved ones and friends, as they may be struggling even if you don’t see it. Talk to people and don’t put off that phone call, as you may never have another chance with them. Sometimes there is not much you can do, but don’t just do nothing. "

- Steve

Jeffrey Barr

"Today, I want to honor and remember a man who was so much more than his struggles—a father, a friend, and a significant part of our lives. Jeff faced immense challenges, grappling with the relentless grip of drug addiction and the heavy burden of disability. Despite these battles, he did care deeply for his daughter. In the midst of his pain interwoven with the struggles that ultimately became too heavy to bear. He had a smile that could light up a room even when the world seemed darkest. To our daughter siena your dad cherished every moment he spent with you, and his eyes would light up with pride and joy whenever he spoke of you. He wanted nothing more than to be the best father he could be, and in his own way, he was. He will always be a part of you x As we navigate life without him, let's remember the good times, the lessons he imparted, and the love he gave. His battle with addiction and disability does not define him; rather, it highlights the strength he showed in facing these challenges. We honor his memory by embracing compassion and understanding for those who fight similar battles. Jeff, you are deeply missed. Your life, though fraught with pain, was also filled with moments of beauty and love that will never be forgotten. We hold you in our hearts and honor your memory by striving to live with the kindness and love. Rest in peace."

- Ashley Best

Jason Rae

"Little brother missing you so much what else can I say lost for words "

- Scott Rae


"I love you. Stay strong always."

- Gemma Taylor

David Luu

"Always have my ups and downs since you are gone. You are always my role model big brother. Love you every day and 3 years has gone by so quick that the family don't really talk about you a lot because we are always grieving. Mum and dad deeply miss you and also Vincent whose 16 years old now and he is growing up fast and will be an adult soon. From your baby sister x "

- Katrina Luu

Scott David McLeod

"On the day you left, a piece of my heart went too. But I bask in each new dawn. Because now I live for me and you. We all miss you so much Scotty, especially me. Everyday I promise to keep getting stronger and I hope I’m doing you proud. I know you fought so hard and nothing can change the fact that you aren’t here with us all anymore. As painful as each new day, week, month and now just over a year is… living in honour of all the beautiful good you had in you is the best we can do! The memories I hold so dearly close to me are what get me through each day living on without you. Losing you broke me. Changed me forever but I promise I’ll try and keep it together. Forever in my heart & always on my mind… it’s now and forever my new daily grind. It’s only until we meet again. “Sea you by the ocean baby” "

- Courtney Sheridan

Hannah lasker

"Was there for me when no one was put a roof over my head fed me stood up for me loved me I miss her dearly "

- Jamie Graham

Chris Howard

"Honouring my son Chris, 12/4/85 - 28/7/14, who I miss terribly. He was kind, clever and caring, and full of potential. We have to reach people before they lose all hope."

- Claire Howard

Kate rose goodacre

"Leaves behind a godson/nephew she never got to meet "

- Jayde Goodacre

Kate rose goodacre

"Leaves behind a godson/nephew she never got a chance to meet "

- Jayde Goodacre


"Left her two beautiful baby girls behind. Think of her often x"

- Keeleah Chynoweth

Dear sister

"May the days get easier... x"

David Wilkinson

"I know it was rough at the end my friend and I wish I could have shown you the light, but you taught me in those days, that although for me giving someone a hug is uncomfortable, for you... It might have meant the world. I vow to give that hug every time."

- J B

James Cadwallader

"James sadly took his own life at 16 years old. You are missed, remembered and loved always. When I hear the Doors people are strange, I still think of you 💙"

- Justine Credlin


"Im walking to help any person struggling, one act can change an outcome Suicide needs to end, the impact this terrible illness brings is crushing. "

- Rowena Sheridan

All.those in need

"I already donate $ 360 per year to lifeline. I have added a modest goal of $ 200 between all my family and friends. If anyone can spare even $5 or $10 to contribute, we can really make a difference. Always remember too, we never know how someone is feeling inside their tough exterior- be kind!"

- Lisa Jones

Tai Z

"He's our sweet little man, many things to many people. Son, brother, friend, inspiration and sometimes mega annoyance. Smartest dude a lot of us ever had the chance to meet and the presence he shared is now terribly missed by many. We love you mate and miss you XX NB: Pic is of Tai and his lovely friend Finn who allowed us to use the pic - Thank you Finn "

- Tim Weinert


"Rest easy, we miss you 💗"

- Lucia Zara

Uncle Tim

"We all miss you ❤️"

- Lucia Zara


"I miss you "

- Mona Bhasin


"Miss you "

- Mona Bhasin

Naomi Jane Smith

"My beautiful sister, my yellow. Missed so deeply, loved forever. "

- Hannah Smith

Justin and Vanessa

"You will always be in my heart forever. I love you both. And I miss you so much "

- Calypso Theunens


"Miss you so much!"

Milo/ Ranga

"We could helped"

- Lynn Hobbs


"Our boy. Forever 33 xx"

- Debbie Casey

James Zorin

"I'm walking for my precious son, Forever loved, Forever missed, Forever 18 2003 - 2022 "

- Eunice Zorin

Tonia Barry

"In memory of Julie-Ann McIntyre 💜"

- Tonia Barry


"I‘ll walk for each person lost to suicide, my thoughts will be on you. You saved me from the same fate, and I will forever be thankful for that. We‘ll forever love you, never forget you. Rest well. "

- Aodhnait Durchdenwald

Lucky Boyd

"Lit up a room never revealed the dark that you felt. I hope 15 years on people can reach out before too late."


"i love you forever "

- tam key

The incredible patients I just shared a Psychiatric hospital admission with.

"Aside from my medications, psychologist, psychiatrist and dietician, support worker etc, you have become my safe and nurturing space. The loneliness, self loathing and constant planning and collecting of items to yeet myself, has slowed tremendously. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I PROMISE when the time comes, it will be of natural causes. I can’t thank you enough and am grateful for our group chat with daily check ins. "

- Sarra

Paul Zywaczewski

"You’ve been gone 22 years. Never met my kids- I never saw the man you could have become. I think about you often. Wish things were different."

- Natalie Ireland


"Love and miss you Jord forever #20 "

- Donna Marsh

In Memory of My Stepdad (1963 - 2006)

"I want to take a moment to honour and remember my stepdad, Mark, who tragically took his own life in 2006. He became an important part of my life as a little girl. By sharing this tribute, I hope to honor his memory and contribute to a community that ensures no one has to face their darkest moments alone. Let's support each other, raise awareness, and work together to prevent further tragedies. To my stepdad, Mark, you are deeply missed, always loved, and never forgotten. 🤟🏽"

- Larissa Aimee

Richard Wainwright

"Richard was my Dad. He took his own life in 1988 when I was 4 years old. Dad had many complex mental health issues, including paranoid Schizophrenia and was very unwell. He wouldn't take his medication because the medication stopped him from feeling anything. The feelings he felt in return were the thing that caused him to make that decision to take his own life. I only regret that because I was so young when he passed, my memories of him fade as I get older. Forever in my heart, Dad X "

- Kate Wainwright

To all of my loved ones who live with thoughts of suicide, it's ok to not be ok 💕

"You are loved. You matter. My life, and this world, is a better place simply because you exist. If you ever feel you need an anchor, a lifeline, a reminder of this, if it ever feels too dark or too much, please reach out to me. 24/7 by any method you can. A message, a call, a meme, send me the link to a song if it says what your words cannot. I am here for you and I always will be. May you always know that staying is brave and I am grateful 💕"

- Kirrily Howden


"Miss u mum. Every single day. I dont think the pain will ever go away. Love you forever and always"

- Vanessa Vella


"My brother, my best friend. Always on my mind, forever in my heart. I love you and will miss you every day until the day we meet again. Forever 30 xo "

- Alana Cunnington


"Not a day goes by that you Kelsey are not in my thoughts. Not a day goes by that we don’t speak your name. Until we meet again Kelsey 💜"

- Tameeka Silk

Rosslyn Lesley Marr

"Gone but NEVER forgotten. We love and miss you every day Mum. I hope we’re all doing you proud x"

- Victoria Hepburn


"Forever Our Sammy Xxx"

- Shelley Anderson

Joshua Elliott

"There has not been a day I don't miss you Josh, you are/was the best thing the world bad to offer, and you are gone far to soon. I love you and miss you dearly."

- Lisa Mckenzie


"You had the biggest heart & gave so much to so many people. Now I’m giving back to help others in memory of you. "

- Mumma Bear

Akeem Davidson

"The best big brother, son, friend and father anyone could ask for ❤️‍🩹 Your light still shines as bright as it is the day you left 💔 27/12/2018 "

- Kyiesha Reeks

Lyle Reeks

"Even the toughest of men face the hardest of battles ❤️‍🩹 Dearly loved and missed everyday day💔"

- Kyiesha Reeks

Ron Ingram

"You were ready, I was not. Not a day goes by your never very far from my mind. Forever gone but never ever forgotten. Love you today tomorrow and always daddy xxx"

- Leanne Rymer

Gordon Webby Webster

"today is your 54th birthday. We miss you so much"

- Vicki