Forever in our hearts
Keira Healy
I'm walking to remember those lost to suicide and help people in crisis
Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide.
Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.
Suicide has devastating impact on friends and loved ones.
For World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept 10), I will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to suicide every day.
I'm walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide suicide prevention services and support for Australians in need.
Please support my walk and sponsor me to help those in crisis.
Together, we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.
My impact so far
I've raised $9,190 so far to answer 235 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.
With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.
My Legacy
My support over 2 years
Over 2 years, I’ve raised $17,918 to answer 459 calls to help Australians in crisis.
Thank you to my Sponsors


Mel, Ben & Ava Healy

Rob & Harry
Sending our love and support

Nick Dalla Riva
I hope the day is a great success, and thank you for your families important contribution to this cause.

The Wix Family
Thinking of you and sending our love

Jacob Lye
Hi Ben, such a great cause, my thoughts are with you and your loved ones.



Mark Bervanakis
Ben/Mel On behalf of the End User Service Team - Express our support for the fundraiser. As the Manager of the area, I am actively promoting walking as a way to show solidarity with those who may be facing challenges. Our thoughts are with everyone involved.

David Brundish

Hay Family
A wonderful way to honour Keira. Thinking of you all!

National Storage Matched Donation

Peter Mantel
Love your work Ben & Mel. Walking with you.

Rachel Patton
All our love to you Ghost, Mel and Ava

Rhys Auteri

National Storage Matched Donation

Richard A

Kurrle Family
For Keira 🥰

Caroline Mckenzie

Sally Collins
Sending much love Mel, Ben and Ava ❤️

Diane Wates

S Ooi
Sending love to the Healy family

Anthony Volo
Thinking of your family at this difficult time.

National Storage Matched Donation

Kay Fox
Mel, Ben & Ava I hope you get some nice weather for the walk, I will be thinking of you all and Kiara. Sending love Kay x

Trish Cooper

Nat Newton

National Storage Matched Donation

National Storage Matched Donation

Paul Sharry
Big love to Mel, Ben and Ava, W&T

National Storage Matched Donation

Robert Healy

Scott Hayes

National Storage Matched Donation

Jill Pope
Love to Mel, Ben and Ava 💕

Gina Litton
Always in my thoughts.

Mia Pastore
Lots of Love From, Mia, Amy, Kim and Marco Pastore

Robyn Nichols
Thinking of you all at this time. This is such a great cause.

Kate, Sean And Jazz

National Storage Matched Donation

Tonia Ciccarelli

Maria Healy

Steve Murray

National Storage Matched Donation

Belinda Wates

Thomas Pratt

National Storage Matched Donation

Jane Bean
Our love to you all. This is such a worthy cause. If it can help just one person then that in turn saves so many more lives and grief. X

Sam, Craig & Eden
In Keira's memory x

Ronda Auteri
Thinking of the Healy family, with love.

National Storage Matched Donation


Tregoning Family

Katrina Garry Ed & Leo

Marcia & Tony Pekin
Love you guys. xx

Emily Ascough

Elizabeth Piacquadio

Very sorry for your loss

Susan M
Much love to you


National Storage Matched Donation

Love to you all.

Ernst Brandt

Jonathan Harris
Great effort on fundraising and helping with prevention xoxo

Jessica Luu

Robert Iacobucci


Susan De Francesco


National Storage Matched Donation


National Storage Matched Donation

Karen Prendergast
Thinking of you all and your beautiful daughter Keira and my brother Paul x

Nick Merambeliotis
Thinking of you Healy family.

Trevor Bowles

National Storage Matched Donation

Lachlan Strong


C Bowman

National Storage Matched Donation

Caroline Braithwaite

Wendy King

National Storage Matched Donation

Annie Salvitti
Amazing Mel Ben and Ava

Agnes Lane

National Storage Matched Donation

Francis Waters

Sylvia Wu



Srirekha Chilukuri

National Storage Matched Donation

❤️ 💗 ❤️ 💗


Jasmine M
Amazing amount raised Mel.x

Brijesh C R
