Lawrence Agbottah

Out of the Shadows 2023

I'm walking to remember those lost to suicide and help people in crisis

Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide. 

Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.

Suicide has devastating impact on friends and loved ones.

On World Suicide Prevention Day, I will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to suicide every day.

I'm walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide suicide prevention services and support for Australians in need, me included.

I walk in remembrance of my mate Tom who always checked on me throughout covid he just knew I was struggling best dude ever and we miss him so much and the other homies we have lost! 

Last minute post as welp you know, so please  sponsor me to help those in crisis even a dollar helps. 

Together, we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.

My impact so far

I've raised $122 so far to answer 3 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.

With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors



Keep going


Kwesi A


Rebecca Petka
