Opening Reflection

The following opening reflection has been provided as an example to assist you in framing your event. Please feel free to consider other ways in which to start your walk and how you wish to welcome walk attendees.

We gather united in our commitment to bring hope and help to people in a dark place.

We remember those lost to suicide and acknowledge the pain for those left behind.

We are thankful for the support, love and empathy of those around us.

We recognise the role we all have to play in supporting people in crisis and preventing suicide.

We commit to addressing the issues of stigma and ignorance that are barriers to people accessing the help they deserve.

We invite people in distress to reach out for support.

We encourage those concerned about someone, to engage, listen and connect them with care.

We understand that through collective and collaborative effort, more people will be kept safe and well.

We walk united in our conviction that we can all take positive steps to prevent suicide.